Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 29th 2010

After a wonderful dinner at Holloway Commons, groups one and two joined together for the days recreational piece. When our early birds arrive on the bus at 2:30 at UNH we congregate in the food court and either play UNO or read The New Hampshire (TNH), UNH’s student run news paper. The articles are funny and enjoyable and the pictures capture UNH at its finest. The wildcat students love the newspapers and typically bring them home to share. Today’s recreational component involved a tour and talk with the Editor of The New Hampshire and a visit to the UNH billiards room. Students asked inquisitive questions involving previous stories, how the paper gets printed and most importantly who are the famous people that have been in the newspaper. While one group was visiting the TNH the other was playing pool, ping pong and Wii and dancing to WUNH in the billiards room.

During class today group 1 learned about Music Expression. Susanne played the students a large array of music from all over the world including Luciano Pavarotti, Louis Armstong and Will Smith. Students were able to write, draw and rate their musical interest as well as express themselves through dance. There was a lot of dancing, especially when Aretha Franklin’s “Respect” was played.

Group 2 was on a different note exploring nature and seedlings that are in their prime during the fall months. Acorn squash, Brussels sprouts and pumpkins were a focus today as well as other perennials that students extracted seeds from and took home to plant for the spring. Using organic matter students also made terrariums for two newts to live in. It was a perfect fall themed class followed by cake to celebrate Ann Kane’s birthday.

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