Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 13, 2010

Group 1 went to visit Ben Chases dorm today. Ben is one of the Wildcat Friends Staff and lives in Hubbard dorm which is the honors dorm. He loves care packages by the way! In all seriousness though, students made the trek through the side walk behind the dining hall to a hidden dorm surrounded by trees and volleyball courts to get into the groove of the college student life. The students were confronted with both a pool and ping pong table and a flat screen TV in the student lounge. Our students had a fantastic time mingling, playing games of guess who and relaxing on the couches. During this time our very own Kyle took a liking to photography and caught some very interesting and quite beautiful pictures around the lounge. (There is a side show attached of Kyle’s work, please enjoy)
Class time for group 1 resulted in slow motion due to Alison Wilder, expert in Tai Chi. As seen in the photos , Tai Chi is slow, relaxing and requires practice. Students learned and went through the movements along side of Alison and were all very receptive to this new form of exercise.

Group 2
It was the perfect fall afternoon to walk through College Woods in the crisp fall air after eating a hearty meal. The college woods walk took us through piles of brightly colored leaves that had fallen and by a beautiful stream. Conversations with the 15 or so college students that came to hangout from the mini dorms were flowing as the walk ended at our classroom in Cole-Barton.
During class today group two learned about the 5 senses. There were 5 stations set up to learn about the various senses. Activities included tasting jellybeans and deciphering their flavor, playing with light to learn about pupil dilation, listening to sound through a cup and string, smelling various items to figure out what it was, and putting hands in various bags to figure out the object in the bag. There were so many activities, everyone didn’t get through them all. It was very informational and interesting.

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