Thursday, November 4, 2010

Howdy WildCat Blog followers. I hope everyone is well and life is sweet. Today at Holloway Commons lunch was quiet but fun. Both groups went to New Hampshire Hall to meet up and all experience some new school style gym games. To start off our rec experience the group did some group stretching and shook out the lazies and jumped into play mode. “GOTCHA!” started the fun. A lot like tag but with a twist. Three people started in the middle of the court with a koosh ball, this ball represented who was “IT.” Camilla, our fearless Kinesiology student, called out different speeds starting off with a walk, then skip and our last cycle ended with a jog to get those heart rates up. The game quickly turned silly as targets were formed and alliances began to take over the lay of the court. We then broke into four groups and set out to stations. The first station was tossing and catching 10lb and 20lb medicine balls. This was done on a mat and really pushed each person to use the squat to work all those muscles. Some used an adaptation, using hands to push the ball back and forth. The next station was jumping over jump ropes that were set up diagonal from each other in groups of two. Some jump ropes started off close to each other and others were spread a few feet apart making a jump more of a leap. The third station ran participants around an obstacle course which had a wedge mat were they were to do a barrel roll then jump up and run back to the starting line. Our final station was a step up, complete with music. Who wants to step up a ton of times without music getting you pumped up? Justin Bieber really got people stepping and dancing on those mats as well as singing! To finish off our time in New Hampshire Hall the Macarena sent us grooving to class.

On our walk to class an ambulance passed us which began the buzz about what was in store for class. We did a little detective work as to why the students thought that the ambulance was coming to their class. The lights and siren were not on, there were no police cars and the ambulance was not speeding. Dead give away to Taylor and Kyle. Upon our arrival to class the EMTs brought in big bags and hand held machines to teach us what sort of materials they may bring to the scene of an accident. We talked 911 and learned how to program our cell phones to help the EMT’s to contact a loved one incase of emergency. I.C.E is a suggested contact many of us programmed into our phone during class. In Case of Emergency helps EMT’s inform and protect you.

When we were done talking about what to do in different situations and appropriate times to call 911 we then took the excitement out side to tour two ambulances. Lights, stretchers and 8 or so EMS personnel assisted in the viewing of the vehicles. AND WHAT A VIEWING IT WAS! We checked out the insides and outsides of those bad boys. The starting rate of a ride in one of the bright light life savers begins at $400 and goes up from there. This was an interesting experience for everyone and maybe made everyone a bit more comfortable with the idea of traveling while being helped by people with big hearts that want us all to be safe.
Until Next time folks!

For information about CPR or Babysitter trainings check out…

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