Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wildcat Friends Group 2

Group Two
Group Two expressed who they are through art expressions with Brandon and Brianne, two of our UNH students. The group started with some movement by playing a game. A statement was made and each person had to decide if they supported it or not by forming groups of who agreed and disagreed with a statement. Some of the statements were “I use art to express myself” and “Dogs are better than cats.” Then the group went on to use art supplies in an expression piece to show who they truly are with a few guidelines. Students needed to share their favorite color, where they would like to visit in the future and the type of job they are interested in. Students had magazines, paint, markers, pencils and stamps to use during this project. After everyone shared and learned more about one another. During class students learned of portions sizes and how to read nutrition facts. Students were pretty surprised to learn how much sugar was in some of their favorite items.

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